Users are required to submit a final project report within 30 days of completing their project. This report can be completed by any user on the proposal and is accessed through the User Portal. A discussion of the project progress and results along with a list of the resulting publications or patents is required.
Sign Out and Return Your Badge
When you have completed your on-site work, you must sign out with your Assigned Scientist. He or she will go over any samples or data that need to be saved or shipped and verify that all work areas and equipment used are clean and functional.
Return your badge to the Foundry User Office and sign out. If you leave after hours, please leave your badge with your assigned scientist and email a sign-out notice to the User Office.
Acknowledge Foundry Support and Report Publications
Publishing: All published work resulting from the use of this facility must acknowledge Foundry support using the correct Foundry acknowledgment, regardless of whether Foundry staff are included as authors. These acknowledgments are critically important to the Foundry’s ongoing success and funding.
It is expected that all user project results of sufficient scientific merit will be prepared for publication and submitted to a journal. Any Foundry scientist who made significant contributions should be included as an author and will expect to review the paper before it is submitted to a journal.
Report your peer-reviewed publications using the publication submission form.
The mission of the Molecular Foundry is to facilitate and amplify the impact of user research. Authorship of research publications associated with this work should follow scientific publishing norms. Any Foundry scientist who made scientific and/or significant contributions to a body of work should be included as an author, and will expect to review the paper before its submission to a journal. We encourage users to initiate discussions about authorship with Foundry staff upon activation of their user project. The Foundry recommends an inclusive approach to authorship, recognizing that scientific contributions can be difficult to define. Production and/or the help in production of data, text, or code themselves are not the only metrics for inclusion. Those who have constructively participated in discussions and tried out approaches are also to be considered as co-authors. In the case of disagreements on co-authorship, we recommend to first discuss and reconcile it with the lead author and lead PI. If this route is unsuccessful the Foundry can help to find a productive and mutually agreeable path forward. Please contact the User Program Office for support.
Presenting: When presenting work generated, in whole or in part, at the Foundry, please include our acknowledgement slide at the end of your presentation, or our acknowledgement badge on your poster. Your presentation acknowledgements help us build our user community, which is crucial to our continued support.
- Acknowledgement slide for presentations
- Acknowledgement badge for posters
- View all Acknowledgement materials
- Official Foundry logos for download
Report Intellectual Property
You are required to disclose to the Foundry and Berkeley Lab’s Intellectual Property Office (ipo@lbl.gov) any inventions resulting in part or in whole from your work at the Foundry. Your inventions, and any patent applications filed on them, are also subject to overriding obligations to the US Government.
Please carefully review and comply with the Patent Rights article of your User Agreement to maximize the value of, and minimize the risk to, your intellectual property. The sample NPUA and PUA have a representative article (VIII. Patent Rights) for reference.