Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Time: 11:00 am
Talk Title: From First Principle Modeling to Composite Materials for Energy Application
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The Applied Energy Materials Group conducts broad range of research on materials, from first principle materials modeling to soft and hard materials design and synthesis, to composite materials formation, and to the materials applications in energy devices, such as next generation lithium-ion rechargeable battery. In this seminar, I will discuss our research portfolio from historical and current research on lithium batteries to the many new research directions our group is engaging in such as Solid-State Battery and Carbon Negative Initiative. A couple of collaborative examples of our past and current works with the Foundry facilities will be highlighted. We hope to identify new energy materials research frontiers to work together between AEM and the Molecular Foundry.
Gao Liu is a Senior Scientist and Group Leader of the Applied Energy Materials Group in the Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. His laboratory combines synthetic chemistry, composite engineering and electrochemistry to solve interdisciplinary problems. Liu Lab’s current research in battery and energy storage include silicon materials and electrode binders for advanced lithium-ion battery, lithium-sulfur battery, solid-state battery, and electrode interfaces. His lab also performs research in hydrogen generation, plastic recycling, and advanced manufacturing. Dr. Liu is currently servicing a three-year term as a member of the User Executive Committee of the Molecular Foundry. More information about the Liu Lab can be found at the Lab’s website: