Advanced Materials Special Issue
The multidisciplinary science that is central to the Molecular Foundry’s mission is well represented throughout the October 14, 2015 special issue of Advanced Materials. In three Review articles, we highlight recent areas of particular innovation and promise at the Foundry: the development of advanced electron tomography for both hard and soft materials with near-atomic resolution, the creation of designer biomimetic self-assembling polymers, and the fabrication of near-field optical probes that permit investigation of a material’s energy properties far below the diffraction limit.
In addition, 15 Research News articles span an array of other contemporary topics in nanoscale science, from new understanding of molecular self assembly at surfaces, to novel approaches for low-cost patterning below 10 nm. Novel nanoscale materials under development at the Molecular Foundry are also discussed, including upconverting nanoparticles, metal-organic frameworks, and colloidal nanocrystals. Advanced characterization techniques available at the Molecular Foundry, such as spin polarized, low-energy electron microscopy and diffractive imaging with aberration corrected microscopes, are used to study the chirality of domain walls in magnetic films and atomic defects in two-dimensional materials.
Finally, an editorial by the Foundry’s Director, Jeff Neaton, discusses the center’s unique collaborative research model and seven pieces of cover art — with associated videos shown below — round out the special issue.
The full special issue can be found here.

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