Nanoscience and unique nanoscale phenomena can provide the spark to inspire students’ deeper interest in STEM topics and career paths. Foundry staff often work with Berkeley Lab’s K-12 Education and Outreach team to connect with students from around the San Francisco Bay Area (and beyond!) to excite them about STEM, help them explore STEM careers, and give them experiences that to inspire them to pursue STEM in college and beyond.
Educational Resources for Nanoscience
Education & Outreach News – View our archive of articles related to education and outreach.
NanoArt – Each year, the Foundry celebrates National Nano Day with a NanoArt Contest.
Nancy Nano – a series of books for children. Nancy Nano the nanoparticle explains the basics behind nanoscience research. Written by former Foundry staff member Tracy Mattox, all of the books in the series are available for download on Nancy’s website.
Science Journal for Kids and Teens – Heavy Metal Pollution: How can we make water safe to drink? Based on Jeff Urban’s work on a material called ZIOS that can remove copper from contaminated water, this article has been adapted for high school students and their teachers.
NanoDays Nanoscience Activity Kits – The Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net) was a project funded by the National Science Foundation to create a national community of researchers and informal science educators dedicated to fostering public awareness, engagement, and understanding of nanoscale science, engineering, and technology. Several activities were developed with involvement from current and former Foundry staff