K-Alpha Plus XPS/UPS
The Thermo-Fisher K-Alpha Plus XPS/UPS is a highly automated, high-throughput, instrument capable of performing quantitative chemical analysis of the top 10 nm of a sample’s surface. It consists of a monochromatic Al X-Ray source (1.486 eV), a high-efficiency electron lens system, hemispherical analyzer and multi-channel detector, a combined low energy electron/ion flood source for charge neutralization, a dual monoatomic and gas cluster Argon ion source for depth profiling and sample cleaning, and an ultraviolet light source (He1 of 21.2 eV and He2of 40.8 eV). XPS detects core level photoelectrons emitted from the sample’s surface generating spectra of intensity of binding energies and high-resolution signatures of oxidation states that are used as fingerprints of the surface chemistry of the material. UPS detects valence band photoelectrons signal originated from the top 2-3 nm of samples surface and measures electronic work function of materials surface. The instrument is also capable of creating chemical state images of the surface.
The energy resolution and spatial resolution of the XPS are 0.7 eV and 30 mm, respectively. The UPS spatial resolution is several mm and its energy resolution few eV.
Users have access to a variety of sample holders including a large area holder for multi-samples, a tilt module for angle resolved XPS (ARXPS), a rotation holder for depth profiling, a biased holder for UPS and a vacuum transfer vessel for air sensitive samples.