The Berkeley Lab Shipping and Receiving department facilitates all off site transportation via Fedex, UPS or other approved shipping companies to your parcel’s final destination.
There is no direct shipment of unexamined Non Hazardous chemicals and/or hazardous materials from the Molecular Foundry. All chemicals etc. will be inspected at least once, even if for example the SDS denotes it/them as ‘Non Hazardous’, as Non Hazardous in an SDS does not necessarily mean the Material may not be regulated for shipping/transportation by the DOT ( Dept. of Transportation).
All Chemical/Laboratory shipments must be approved for and transportation arranged from the Molecular Foundry to Berkeley Lab Shipping and Receiving by Carleton Falzone, or an agent assigned in his absence.
How to Prepare for Shipping
1) Completely close and seal your parcel
2) Address your parcel (including return address)
3) Generate a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for each and every constituent in the parcel (the SDS must denote CAS#’s). Consult your Activity Lead, Chemical Vendor, or Vendor internet site to acquire one and send them to Carleton via email.
4) If this parcel is being shipped outside the territorial United States, please contact Export Control for approval
You will need to provide the following information;
- Your name and LBNL division (MFD). Provide your MFD PI, sponsor or contact if a User.
- Your area of science or project title.
- The destination organization and country.
- Name and/or description of the samples. If any sample/constituent was custom fabricated, describe the process/method of manufacture/fabrication, and the component parts/elements/chemicals as applicable.
- State the end use of your samples or equipment and whether they have any potential export-controlled applications/uses.
- Any other relevant details.
- Attach completed FreightPop document (see below)
Note: Export Approval may take 1–3 business days
5) Use FreightPop (formerly NetShip) to generate the shipping document. If you have never used FrieghtPop, there is a protocol you must complete to create a password to establish and gain access. Go to and select +FreightPOP Access and Training Videos for a drop down of a Written Guideline and instruction videos;
Be sure to include the non-abbreviated chemical names and quantity of each in the description field of the FreightPop document
6) Bring parcel, Export Control approval (if applicable), and FreightPop document to Carleton (Please email ahead 24 hrs so he knows to expect your parcel)
Carleton will investigate the Dept. of Transportation (D.O.T.) shipping guidelines, create any supporting D.O. T. supporting paperwork, and coordinate pick up and transportation to Berkeley Lab’s shipping and receiving department.
Note: be advised there is a 24hr turn around time for all sample parcel shipments, we cannot ‘same day ship’.
To learn about transporting and shipping different categories of hazardous materials in small quantities between UC campus or an off site workplace, please refer to this resource document.
If you have any questions or concerns you may contact Carleton between 5:00 a.m. and 1900 hrs PDT via his desk phone 510.486.7679 (forwards to his cell).