Nearly 300 scientific users and prospective users of the Molecular Foundry and the National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM) came to Berkeley Lab from across the nation and around the world to attend the 2014 Annual Users’ Meeting of these two facilities. The two-day event, which was held August 25-26, drew a number of prominent speakers including former Berkeley Lab director and Secretary of Energy Steve Chu, as well as Chris Murray from the University of Pennsylvania and David B. Williams from The Ohio State University who both gave keynote talks. The meeting also featured talks from users, workshops, and vendor booths from a variety of participating industrial sponsors.
The Meeting came at a particularly exciting time for the Molecular Foundry and NCEM considering this year’s merge of the two user facilities. The science presented at the meeting highlighted the diverse and high-quality research conducted at both centers and indicated how the newly combined organization will serve to accelerate high-impact breakthroughs in nanoscale science.
For more information on this event, including a complete listing of speakers and workshop topics, visit the meeting’s website.