Scientific Achievement
Molecular Foundry users achieve stable, high performance lasing in perovskite-based cesium lead halide nanowires (NWs).
Significance and Impact
These NW lasers demonstrate improved stability compared to other perovskite-based NW lasers while offering comparable performance, facile synthesis, and lasing wavelength tunability.
Research Details
- Single crystalline cesium lead halide (CsPbX3, X = Cl, Br) NWs were grown at near-ambient conditions and found to act as high quality optical resonators.
- Lasing occurs in CsPbBr3 NWs at 530 nm with a low lasing threshold of 5 μJ cm-2.
- NWs are stable for weeks under ambient conditions and over 109 excitation cycles under lasing conditions.
- Lasing was also observed in CsPbBr3 nano-plates as well as in CsPbCl3 NWs at 420 nm.