A “Future Electron Microscopy” workshop was held to showcase the breadth and depth of electron microscopy at Berkeley Lab. In addition to the recent advances in imaging a broad range of materials and biological samples at atomic, or near-atomic scales, the workshop highlighted the many opportunities that could come from integrating capabilities across the Laboratory. The workshop was co-hosted by Andy Minor from the Molecular Foundry, in association with other leaders from Berkeley Lab.
The daylong workshop also chronicled the Lab’s pioneering history in pushing the state of the art in atomic resolution electron microscopy (EM), and featured a dozen presentations on science enabled by a range of electron microscopy-based techniques, such as cryoTEM (transmission electron microscopy at cryogenic temperatures), atomic-resolution tomography, in situ microscopy techniques and low energy electron microscopy.
In addition, a half dozen presentations on ultrafast electron sources, high-speed electron detectors, algorithms and supercomputing highlighted the benefits to the field of electron microscopy enabled by the diverse capabilities at Berkeley Lab.