Date: Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Time: 11:00 AM
Talk Title: Mechanical Properties of Stretchable Semiconducting Polymers for Energy & Virtual Touch
Location: Chemla Room (67-3111)
Darren Lipomi earned his Ph.D. from the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University in June, 2010. At Harvard, he worked in the laboratory of Professor George M. Whitesides in the areas of materials chemistry; nanofabrication, including soft lithography and nanoskiving; materials for optics and electronics; chemical synthesis; and organic photovoltaics. From August 2010 to July 2012, he was a US Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University, department of Chemical Engineering, in the Laboratory of Professor Zhenan Bao, where his work focused on organic materials for mechanically compliant photovoltaic cells and electronic skin. He earned a certificate (“mini MBA”) from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business Program in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (now Stanford Ignite).
He was appointed in July 2012 as member of the faculty in the Department of NanoEngineering at UC San Diego. Professor Lipomi’s research interests include molecularly stretchable electronics; ultra-thin, ultra-compliant, and inexpensive photovoltaics; optical and electronic nanostructures; plasmonic and electronic methods of chemical sensing; engineering and synthesis of complex molecular architectures to achieve new macroscopic functionality; new methods of fabricating nanostructures; and in unconventional approaches to saving and generating energy.