Seminar Date: Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Time: 11:00 am
Location: 67-3111 & Zoom
Talk Title: Nanoscale Control of Light and Energy
Zoom recording (Available for 30 days. Passcode: 67=dJ#%F)

Dan Congreve received his B.S. and M.S. from Iowa State in 2011, working with Vik Dalal studying defect densities of nano-crystalline and amorphous silicon. He received his PhD from MIT in Electrical Engineering in 2015, studying under Marc Baldo. His thesis work focused on photonic energy conversion using singlet fission and triplet fusion as a downconverting and upconverting process, respectively. He spent a year as a postdoc with Will Tisdale in Chemical Engineering at MIT studying perovskite nanoplatelets. He joined the Rowland Institute in August 2016 and started at Stanford University as an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering in 2020. Dan is a 2019 Moore Inventor Fellow, 2020 Terman Faculty Fellow, and co-founder of Quadratic3D, a startup looking to commercialize 3D printing technologies. His current research interests focus on applying nanomaterials and nanotechnology to challenging problems.
The ability to convert the energy of photons can open up exciting avenues in a wide variety of applications for both downconversion (converting one high energy photon to two low energy photons) and upconversion (converting two low energy photons to one high energy photon). We study the fundamentals of these processes, and how those fundamentals can impact their applications in several fields.