Scientific Achievement

Foundry staff and users used ptychographic atomic electron tomography (PAET) to image a ZrTe nanowire-carbon nanotube containing previously observed and unobserved structures.
Significance and Impact
This is the first 3D atomic electron tomography reconstruction using ptychography. The experimental realization of this technique will allow for the structural determination of beam-sensitive nanomaterials containing light elements.
Research Details
- The research team determined the atomic structure of a Zr-Te nanowire by phase-contrast ptychographic AET combined with unit cell averaging and Density Functional Theory (DFT).
- PAET shows improved in contrast compared to AET for all atoms including weakly scattering carbon atoms at lower dose.
- This study used the DOE-funded and Foundry-developed 4D Camera.
Pelz, P.M., Griffin, S.M., Stonemeyer, S., Popple, D., Devyldere, H., Ercius, P., Zettl, A., Scott, M.C., Ophus, C. Nat. Commun. 14: 7906. (2023) DOI:10.1038/s41467-023-43634-z
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