Staff Scientist, Inorganic Nanostructures/Imaging and Manipulation of Nanostructures
2001 Weizmann Institute of Science, Rechovot, Israel
Ph.D. in Chemical Physics, Awarded Finberg prize for outstanding graduate research
1995 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
M. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering, Summa Cum Laude
1992 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
B. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering, Cum Laude
Research Interests
My work revolves around the study of one dimensional semiconducting nanostructures and heterostructures. The work spans synthetic efforts and the development of novel characterization techniques. We synthesize semiconducting interfaces to control the charge distribution and flow, for light emitting and light harvesting applications. Moreover, we are developing strategies of synthesis of novel two dimensional materials with chemical complexity outside of the reach of standard deposition methods. To characterize these structures we are developing electron-based hyperspectral-imaging techniques based on cathodoluminescence and electron energy loss spectroscopies to locally probe optical, plasmonic and electronic properties with unprecedented resolution.