Scientific Achievement

Demonstrated unlimited two-way switching of photon avalanching in upconverting nanoparticles using near-infrared light, without degradation.
Significance and Impact
Will enable imaging of materials and cellular structures in unprecedented detail and presents new approaches for fully rewritable, high-density data storage.
Research Details
- Synthesized Tm3+-doped core-shell NaYF4 avalanching nanoparticles (ANPs)
- Demonstrated photoswitching of ANPs with NIR lasers
- Found no measurable degradation of emission over 1000+ photoswitching cycles, under ambient and aqueous conditions
- Demonstrated super-resolution imaging of ANPs with sub-Ångstrom precision and rewritable 2D and 3D optical patterning with NIR lasers
Lee, C., Xu, E.Z., Kwock, K.W.C. et al. Nature 618, 951–958 (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06076-7
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