Date: Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Time: 11:00 AM
Talk Title: Molecular Foundry/ALS Joint Seminar: The Challenge of Gregarious Qubits
Location: Building 66 Auditorium
Irfan Siddiqi received his AB (1997) in chemistry & physics from Harvard University. He then went on to receive a PhD (2002) in applied physics from Yale University, where he stayed as a postdoctoral researcher until 2005. Irfan joined the physics department at the University of California, Berkeley in the summer of 2006. In 2006, Irfan was awarded the George E. Valley, Jr. prize by the American Physical Society for the development of the Josephson bifurcation amplifier. In 2007, he was awarded the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award, the Hellman Family Faculty Fund, and the UC Berkeley Chancellor’s Partnership Faculty Fund.
His group, the Quantum Nanoelectronics Laboratory, investigates the quantum coherence of various condensed matter systems ranging from microscopic nanomagnets such as single molecule magnets to complex macroscopic electrical circuits. To measure the electric and magnetic properties of these quantum systems, they are developing novel microwave frequency quantum-noise-limited amplifiers based on superconducting Josephson junctions formed by both oxide tunnel barriers and carbon nanotube weak links. Current topics of research include the dependence of quantum coherence on system complexity, the non-equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics of non-linear oscillators, the quantum coherence of single molecules, and topological architectures for maximum coherence in superconducting circuits.