Seminar Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM PT
Location: 67-3111 & Zoom
Talk Title: Probing Complex Chemistry at the Molecular Level with X-Ray Tools Coupled to Vibrational Spectroscopy
Zoom Link
Dr. Ahmed is a scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Berkeley, CA, and his research is geared towards coupling novel instruments and approaches to synchrotron radiation to perform cutting edge work in chemical physics and physical chemistry. He did my doctoral work at University of Cambridge, England and was a postdoctoral research fellow at Universities of Leicester & Manchester in England and at the Max Planck Institute in Gottingen, Germany before joining LBNL in 1995. His focus is to understand and map the physical and chemical principles that govern complicated phenomena in nature. His goal is to gain a molecular level understanding of alternative carbon neutral energy sources and global climate change, which has led him to work in the fields of imaging and biological mass spectrometry, atmospheric and environmental chemistry, and dynamics of combustion processes. His current interests include: ultrafast photon science incorporating lasers with synchrotron radiation to probe charge and proton transfer dynamics in solvated systems, correlated imaging mass spectrometry/fluorescence microscopy platforms for microbiology and developing new spectroscopic and imaging tools to probe dynamics.